NaHaiWriMo Donors
Gratitude to the following NaHaiWriMo donors. These donations help to cover domain name and website expenses past, present, and future, and support the Johnny Baranski Memorial Haiku Contest. Most of these donations resulted from a call for support on Facebook at the end of May 2018. Thank you, everyone, and thanks for your support simply by participating every day on the NaHaiWriMo Facebook page.
Note: Names link to “Meet the Prompter” interviews if the person has served as a NaHaiWriMo prompter since we started conducting these interviews.
$100 and above
Terry Ann Carter
$50 to $99
Marilyn Ashbaugh
Amy Baranski
Anita Guenin
Arik Benedek Khabif
Sandi Pray
Carol Raisfeld
Carolyn Winkler
$20 to $49
Alee Imperial Albano
Don Baird
Claire Vogel Camargo
Tom Clausen
Mary Hanrahan
Steve Hodge
Barbara Kaufmann
Mary Kendall
Michael H. Lester
Pat Nelson
Betty Shropshire
Barbara Tate
Up to $19
Ed Bremson
Marianne J. Dupre
Eider Green
John Hawk
Brendon Kent
Joe McKeon
Andrea Narcisco
David Oates