Angie Werren

NaHaiWriMo daily writing prompter for June 2014 and March 2018

1. How did you get started with haiku?

I came to haiku as a poet, so I carry with me all those automatic reactions to want to infuse literary devices into everything I write. A few years ago, I was part of a group called Read Write Poem. Poets there began to write (and tweet) micropoetry, and the discussion of the various Japanese forms was a natural progression. I was intrigued by the elements of haiku—particularly the kireji—and I sought out various avenues to help me understand the form. I find the discipline of the haiku very beneficial in all my writing, and in my life as well. My mindset has changed since I began thinking in haiku; even if I don’t actually write the words, I am more aware of the world around me and the ways in which everything interacts.

2. Tell us more about yourself.

I live and write in a tiny house in Ohio. I also enjoy photography, when I’m motivated. I have a few blogs. Feathers is the home of my haiku and micropoetry.

3. What does NaHaiWriMo mean to you?

I was made aware of NaHaiWriMo through Satya Robyn several years ago. I’ve tried a few different Facebook groups for haiku, but I have always stayed with NaHaiWriMo because of the kind, gentle guidance the members share with each other. It makes no difference whether the person is new to haiku or a seasoned veteran—everyone is treated with respect and I find that very refreshing. I feel that everything I am learning about haiku has come from something I’ve seen or discussed with someone at NaHaiWriMo.

4. What one piece of advice would you offer to those who are new to writing haiku?

Say what you need to say in one breath.

5. Please share three of your favourite or best haiku.

news of your death

when I open my eyes

green leaves

crow watching—

the unseen tree branch suddenly


new year’s day—

I let the tea steep

a little longer